An exciting day with many interesting encounters at FHV job fair
Interesting discussions, nice people, guessing challenge, job offers - that was the FHV job fair
Weiterlesen Read moreWe know all about the sourcing challenges in microsystems technology. We know about the biggest difficulties and we also know what our customers need and which role we have to play in this matter.
In a market, characterized in many ways, by the negative influences of a monopoly position of manufacturers, who often do not even offer repairs or components, to force their customers into aquisition of expensive new parts, amcoss enters the stage: with highly professional refurbishments for optical, mechanical or mechatronic quality parts and engineering components that meet all requirements of original parts, we are a reliable partner and a real sourcing alternative.
Interesting discussions, nice people, guessing challenge, job offers - that was the FHV job fair
Weiterlesen Read moreWe need clever experts, talented heads, flexible makers, and
definitely new colleagues!
Semiconductor- and microsystems technologies are characterized by narrow and very demanding quality standards and highest quality requirements and expectations on part of our customers. As demanding as our own expectations towards quality and performance of our procucts and services for you.
Our business activities, quality management and product portfolio, as well as our production facilities are undergoing a steady improvement process, promoted by our qualified staff and always oriented towards customer expectations. Our goal is your maximum satisfaction.
To underline our quality strategy, amcoss GmbH has been certified by TÜV Austria acc. DIN EN ISO9001 since May 2014. Because this certification is a dynamic, ongoing process we ourselves and our customers can be certain that amcoss stands for continuous quality.
amcoss GmbH, is an innovative, internationally active high-tech company in the semiconductor- and microsystems technology industries. For many years we have been offering comprehensive engineering services and high-quality repair services for optical and mechatronic quality components (photolithography, RTP, CVD, EPI, metrology and plasma). amcoss globally cooperates with strong, specialized partners.
Our head office is located in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg, Austria,) in a modern, industrial region characterized by medium sized businesses, in the most western part of Austria. From here we sell our products and services around the globe.
amcoss possesses years of experience and enormous expert knowledge in the field of wafer- and substrate processing. With our fully automatic amc- and semi automatic amr equipments we offer tools for coating-, developing-, cleaning-, lift-off-, etching-, and temperature control processes. Moreover, our product range also comprises temperature control units. Well-known manufacturers in the industry are our customers.
Since the beginning of 2023 amcoss GmbH has been part of the Lab14 group with approx. 1000 employees worldwide. The companies in the field of micro- and nanotechnology mutually strengthen one another by using synergy effects.